Make Money Online

5 Side Hustles That Promised $800/day That I Tried (Honest Opinion)

today I am a completely open book and I'm going to go over five side hustles that promised $800 a day that I've tried and I'm going to give you my honest opinion on them and how they worked for me now I don't want to waste a lot of time here at the beginning of the video so I'm going to Dive Right In and the first side hustle that promised $800 a day or more was Etsy plus printify now the Etsy plus printify shops are something that you hear so often and you see it blasted everywhere all over YouTube You're Going to see videos about Etsy plus printify and how easy it is and how you can make so much money I've seen thousands of dollars a day being promised that you can make off of this type of shop and I obviously thought that sounded awesome how easy and simple to make thousands of dollars you don't even have to print you can take designs right from the canva or the printify and it's super simple and so definitely gave it a try and I'm definitely going to give you how it worked for me my Etsy plus printify shop I opened in Fall of 2022 and I am going to pop up my design that I originally designed for my name for my Etsy shop right here and I'm also going to be linking it in my description box every single thing that I mention in my video today is going to be linked in my description box so the name of my Etsy plus printify shop was Mitchell design and Co and just to set up my shop it took me so long just to set up my Etsy and printify like just the shops just to get verified with Etsy and all of that it took me significant amount of time to actually design it put it on the shirt choose the shirts choose the models who were going going to be in the pictures choose the background for the photos for Etsy you know these are all things that don't get mentioned so my first point here is just let you know the significant amount of time that it takes to actually set up shop design your stuff put it on stuff send it over to Etsy it takes significant amount of time guys and whenever I say this is not simple as simple as it sounds it's not simple okay plus if you're on Etsy which is an extremely saturated Market you are going to need lots and lots and lots of listing and each listing costs I believe it's 20 cents I'm pretty sure if you're in the US it's 20 cents per listing you are going to need a lot of listings in order for your stuff to get shuffled through the algorithm of etsy to show your stuff so it was just like I can just tell you guys it was exhausting I think I probably paid like 20 bucks or something for all my listings Etsy kept um I think because for some reason it wouldn't verify my shop Etsy kept suspending my shop and I kept like emailing them and asking them hey what's going on with my shop and uh it it was just so much it was too much it was like not enjoyable for me at all and I'm going to pop up here on the screen Etsy seller actually has an app that you can use and here is the list from it and you as you can see no sales now I'm not going to totally bash this I think that it could work but I'm giving you my honest Insight of somebody who is willing to totally try anything and this was not worth it and I'm just going to give this a big no okay the second side hustle that I tried that promised $800 or more was the AliExpress plus Etsy or a shop online so this is going to AliExpress purchasing your items which I've seen a lot of YouTubers actually you can just set up shop and then order from AliExpress and have them ship it let me just tell you guys right there let's just stop let me go over a couple things about AliExpress that's going to save you a lot of time and headache and I'm just going to tell you you cannot set up your AliExpress for Amazon Etsy or any of these shops and expect to have a successful shop anybody that tells you that they do that is completely lying okay don't listen to them Ali Express takes 3 to 4 weeks to ship an item period you have Amazon actually I can place an order with my Amazon Prime and it's going to be here at 7:00 in the morning why would somebody buy from you if you're going to use AliExpress and do this Drop Shipping stuff why would somebody pick you and besides you're putting your name your energy your time into something and they aren't even shipping it for 3 weeks people are going to leave bad reviews it's just not going to be successful okay but the way I did it I took about $1,200 and I actually purchased product okay so I had physical product I waited until I got the physical product and I had it with me and I had to Brand it all okay so I wanted to make sure if I had my name on it it was going to be somewhat decent it wasn't going to be junky plastic coming over from China and wrapped up with tape cuz trust me that's what it is and like shoved in somebody's mailbox with like this creepy looking bag okay so what I did was I actually have a craft that I can do that I can make I chose something that I could actually make if needed and I sold it so what I did was I basically could make what I sold but I saved my myself the distress of making it I purchased it with somebody else making it with their hands had it shipped and I sold it here I also invested time and money into making a lot of my own product too because there were lots of cute things that I enjoy making and I did um young girl hair bows and hair accessories and that's something that I've done for years and I actually really enjoy it but the bows I ordered were beautiful from AliExpress and I actually did really well I actually opened up my Etsy shop I opened up an Instagram shop with it and that's really how I tried to Market I actually also did this in the fall of 2022 and the way that it worked for me though please do not believe that it was like blasted right away sales on Etsy all the money that I made was actually just making my money back and I actually did craft show I sold all my product and I made my money back basically and I did have as you can see I'm going to pop it up here for my Etsy seller um I did have a lot of visits to my store I had tons of listings probably like 50 and I actually had a couple sales and that was fun and exciting and I actually really enjoyed it guys so this method works if you are willing or able to purchase your product you don't even have to make your product which I recommend being able to somewhat make or fix the item if needed or something because trust me you don't want to go in business nowadays with people bombarding you because their necklace broke I mean this is some some stuff you get over from there is pretty much junk so you have to be very careful on what you actually buy and you're going to if you have some bad customer reviews bombarding you my whatever broke my shirt tore because it was poor quality you know this is all on you and you have to keep in mind the level of stress that you are going to be putting up with is it worth it so this please do not take this some some people have it listed on their vide

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