Make Money Online

47 Digital Products To Sell Online 💰 (Guaranteed To Sell In 2024)

it can be hard to decide what digital products to sell online when there's so many options out there maybe you love the idea of making money online by selling digital products but don't know where to start when it comes to actually choosing the right type of digital product well if that's you friend I've got you covered because in today's video I'm sharing 47 of my favorite digital product ideas now this is going to be more of a rapid fire Style video since we've got a lot to cover but hopefully this will get you pointed in the right direction and get your inspiration flowing for what type of digital product might be the right fit for you now I do want to let you know before we dive in if you are a beginner who's new to this whole world of digital products or maybe you're someone who's already opened up your shop but just need to level up and get more consistent sales I have a free digital product Master Class that'll give you a deeper dive into the foundational principles and strategies that you'll need to know to grow a profitable digital products business it's 45 minutes long completely free to you and you can watch it right after this video by clicking the link in the description box below trust me it is so worth your time to get started on the right right foot by understanding things like graphic design techniques file types sizing resolution all of the important things when it comes to creating digital products so definitely watch that when you're done here and let's go ahead and dive into our 47 digital product ideas all right so how I'm categorizing these different digital product ideas is into three different niches and two types so we're going to go through each Niche one by one and within that Niche we'll be talking about these two different types which are templates and end products templates would be any kind of digital template that can be actually opened and edited by the buyer after they purchase an end product is not editable but it's either final or fillable so final meaning there's no editing on either side by the buyer or the seller after purchase it's a completely ready instant download or it could be a fillable file which could be something like a PDF that could be opened by the buyer and filled out but not completely edited and changed around and just in case you've got your notebook and your pen ready to like rapid fire take notes I want to let you know all all of these are compiled on my master list of digital product ideas which I've got Linked In the description box below completely free for you to download so because we're going to be going through this kind of quickly I don't want you to get overwhelmed trying to take notes just go ahead and download that list in the description box below which includes all 47 of these ideas plus a lot of others there's actually over a hundred different ideas compiled on that list so you can rest easy just watch the video and click the link in the description when you're done to grab that free guide all right let's dive into Niche number one which is going to be our business and information Niche so this Niche is mainly for your B2B audience or your businesso business Shoppers so those who are offering digital products in this Niche are likely creating products for people like content creators coaches and business owners So within this Niche let's talk about templates first so these templates could be created in a lot of different programs one that's really popular to create templates in is canva because you can easily create the template and then share it via a specific template link which generates a new unique copy of the template for the buyer who's editing it but there are other programs that do similar things like template as well so you can choose which software you want to use to create your templates to sell well let's go ahead and dive into this list of templates for the business and information Niche number one you could create a business logo template all business owners are looking for a logo and a lot of them don't want to have to create their own so they're going to purchase a template to be able to go on and just change a few things around in terms of color style fonts and be able to download their own logo file similarly you could offer a business card template this is a template for a business owner to go in and to almost instantly have a business card designed they can input their own information change a few things around and have their business card ready to download and print then you got things like promotional materials so these could be any templates that are meant for using for promotions like thank you cards flyers and stickers again all of these can be in a template form which means the business owner that's purchasing can go in and make it their own by changing things around before they download the final file product type number four is business stationary which can include things like cards and a cover letter design you can also offer an email signature template so this is what a business owner or content creator would use in their email signature for email marketing purposes again they're looking to buy things like this as a template so they don't have to design it from scratch could they do it from scratch probably so but it's always easier and save so much time to just purchase a template change a few things around and you're good to go you could also sell a resume template or similarly a Media Kit so media kits are somewhat similar to resumés in that they are PDF documents that are sent by content creators to the brands that they're thinking of working with showing the brand who they are talking about their numbers on social media their email list all of the different numbers they want to talk about and even giving rates for what they offer one really popular template type in this Niche is a workbook or a worksheet business owners who are coaches with coaching businesses especially appreciate these kind of templates because they always need to be able to offer these types of resources to their clients but a lot of times either don't know how or don't want to start from scratch in designing something like this so it's easy to have more of a plug-in play option that is a template that they can then go into and make their own by inputting their own content changing around the colors and fonts inputting their branding and then they have it ready to go for their clients the next template type is a contract or agreement there's a wide range of uses for this and you can really be creative with how you do this you want to make sure that the person who's purchasing this contract or agreement template is covered legally with everything that's included and they have everything they need for whatever type of contract that is the next one is also really popular and this is any kind of social media template bundle so this could be for social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook b

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