Make Money Online

10 Ways To Make Money Online Using Canva In 2024 💰

if you're someone who's wanting to find a fun and easy way to make money online working from home then you're in the right place friend in today's video I'm sharing 10 ways that you can earn some extra money using my favorite design tool Cana Kaa is a website that you can use totally for free that has everything you need for your designs built right in so you have access to tons of free photos graphic elements fonts and design features there are so many different incredible things you can do on canva but today we're specifically focusing on how you can use it to make money online let's get into it now before we jump into the first fun way that you can use canva to make money online I need to let you know if you are someone who's been interested in selling digital products online which is a really great way to make money as a side hustle or even as a full-time income then I have two free gifts for you today both Linked In the video description below the first one is my master list of over a hundred different digital product ideas so if you know this is the direction you're wanting to go but are just overwhelmed trying to think of what you could offer and what's even available in the digital product space then this guide is going to help you get started off on the right foot and give you a ton of great ideas the other one is my free 45 minute masterclass digital product Powerhouse this is an on demand masterclass you can watch right after this that walks through my personal four-step system for starting and growing a profitable online digital products business so whether you're a complete beginner and just need to know the foundations and the basics of what a digital products business is what types of digital products there are and the techy side of things like sizing aspect ratios file types or even if you've already started your digital product shop and maybe just haven't haven't gotten the traction that you want to yet this master class is going to be exactly what you need and super helpful for you so both of those free gifts are linked in the description box below definitely click through to grab those when you're done watching this video all right let's talk about the first way that you can make money using canva and this is by earning affiliate income with Pinterest pins so we'll get to the canva part of this in just a minute where we're going to create our pins for Pinterest but first we have to understand what affiliate income is if you're an affiliate for something that means that you're promoting and helping to sell someone else's product or service since it's not your product or service you're helping to promote it as an affiliate which means that if it sells and someone actually purchases whatever you're promoting through your unique tracking link then you'll get credit for that sale and you'll earn a percentage of the sale amount or a flat fee depending on what the terms of your affiliate agreement with that company layout so let's say I'm an Amazon affiliate and I find some products on Amazon that I use and I love and I want to recommend to people to buy I can use my unique link that leads them to those products on Amazon that track my sales so if someone purchases through my Amazon link I get a percentage of that that pays out to me every month so this is a great way to make money online without having to ever even create your own products to sell but you have to have a way of promoting these links and getting them out there into the world right so there's a lot of different ways you can promote your affiliate links but one popular way is through blog articles and posts like this one you can see this blog post provides a lot of value to the reader but mixed in there are some recommendations that are linked and those are likely affiliate links from the writer or the creator of the blog so when someone reads this blog if they click on the link and they follow through to purchase whatever the thing is that affiliate will get a percentage of that sale so your first step here is to sign up for whatever affiliate programs you're interested in then go ahead and start your blog writing different posts about different things that provide value to your readers making sure to weave in those affiliate links throughout the blog article and then we're going to create pins for Pinterest to promote our blog so one thing I love about canva is they have tons of different templates that are ready for you to use so you can either create your PIN from scratch or you could go on and use one of those templates so that you have a head start on designing your PIN you can make your PIN look like whatever you want it to look like you can enter whatever text you want that points to your blog article and then when you're done you're going to download this image and post it as a PIN to Pinterest making sure that when you post it to Pinterest you're linking the blog article as well so if someone comes across your pin and they're interested or they will then read through your blog article and hopefully click through on your affiliate links now one note here is if you're using any kind of canva content within the canva media library whether it's free content or Pro content you need to make sure that you're abiding by the specific licenses that canva has regarding free content and pro content there's a different license for each so as long as you're abiding by those terms in a licensing agreements then you should be good to go I know licensing can be a little bit tricky sometimes so canva actually has a really great video on their website that explains licensing I'll have that Linked In the video description in case you want to look into that further but for this purpose of just posting personal pins you should be completely fine to use those templates all right let's move on to the second way you can use CA to make money online and that is by creating lead magnets to grow your email list now I know I know social media may seem like the more fun and better thing to do to grow an audience to sell to but trust me email converts even better than social media and every single business whether you're doing this just as a side hustle or maybe for a full-time income needs to have an email list that you own it's your audience that you can sell anything to at any time so if you're someone who's never even started an email list before and you're wondering how do you start from scratch how do you grow an email list from zero the answer is to create lead magnets lead magnets are basically freebies that you're offering for people in exchange to sign up for your email list they're also called optins because they require the person who's wanting that freebie to opt in and voluntarily sign up for your newsletter and they get the free lead magnet in exchange there are all different types of lead magnets it really depends on what you're selling what type of business you want to go into whether you're produ

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