Make Money Online

10 Unusual Ways To Make Serious Money Online ($350 / Day)

what if your most painful challenging flaw was your biggest money-making superpower no matter where you live and no matter how old you are I'm pretty sure you have heard of 11 from stranger things and if you haven't 11 is a character that has these psychokinetic abilities and while at the beginning of the show she probably sees herself more like a monster because of the incredibly awful experiments that had been conducted on her and also because of the impact that her powers seem to have on others as the show goes on and keeps evolving she evolves as well and as she finds new friends and a makeshift family she realizes that she can not only control her powers but use them for good intentionally so if you also feel sometimes alienated by your unique abilities by your unique talents or by those perceived flaws and challenges that you see when you look at yourself in the mirror then in this video I would like to show you how you can use that particular trait and become financially stronger so let's dive in if you're somebody who obsesses over details I mean Monica Geller style you have to sleep on this side of the bed because I have to sleep on this side of a bit or maybe you are just a perfectionist I call it the Hermione syndrome besides you're saying it wrong it's Leviosa not Leviosa well in that case you could potentially look into becoming a proofreader or an editor and you can do that even working for a company like grammarly you could apply for a job on scripted you can look for gigs on problogger or another opportunity for you because you're obviously paying a lot of attention to details could be to become a graphic designer and you could look at places like dribble or be hands for opportunities to monetize this Talent number two let's say you are an introverted like how and I know when Hulk gets pulled outside of his comfort zone he can be quite a dysfunctional member of the team but when he's left in his place and he is allowed to have his freedom then he definitely can add a lot of value if we blow the grid I don't want to lose uh 20 here in the 1950s and if you are like him then freelancing could be be something that you might want to consider because if you work on platforms like upwork or Fiverr then you are able to do most of your work by yourself and not talk to a lot of people as you get that done number three let's say your friends tell you that you're too cynical like Jessica Jones or Dr house sometimes the best gift is the gift of never seeing you again well in that case there is a way that you can channel the cynicism and start a YouTube channel where you do reviews product reviews so you get your own environment where you can be cynical and actually get paid to do that not only because you will for sure be able to monetize your YouTube channel and get paid for ads that get shown on your channel by YouTube or you will be able to get affiliate Partnerships and sponsorships from companies that would love for you to review their product number four what what if you like I know no one should like gossiping but what if it's used with good intentions what if it's channeled the right way and here I'm thinking that if you're any bit like Blair Waldorf or like Carrie Bradshaw what are they doing together what are they friends now apparently this is bad then you could Channel all of that gossiping energy and become a podcast host and you can pick the topic that energizes you the most and you can Channel all of your energy into making those podcasts completely outstanding or what if you're the Spider-Man in your team and you oftentimes forget that you're at work and you make your colleagues laughing and rolling on the floor cute outfit did your husband give it to you well in that case obviously you could also start a YouTube channel a comedy one you could also start a podcast but you could also go and become a stand-up comedian in your free time and get all of your work colleagues to come and support you here's another crazy idea what if you're like Professor X and you're a telepath or maybe let's say not a telepath but an empath you can feel other people's feelings even if you cannot read their minds well an idea would be that you become a one-to-one coach because you can use that intuition to help others become better you can pick the type of coaching that you want to offer depending on your topics of interest and what gives you energy and you can limit the way you interact with your coaches in a one-to-one fashion so that there's not too much energy and too much emotion coming your way from your coaches speaking of coaching and self-development if you guys are looking to strengthen yourself and further develop your abilities and if you are ready to embrace your flaws I would love to recommend to you a book that has recently launched and it is written by the co-founder of Mindvalley Christina mandlakiani the book is called being flossom and not only can you get it for free I'm gonna link the website down below where you can get it for free you only need to pay for shipping but you will get the audio version for free immediately you will get 20 minutes of meditation and you will get a free self-improvement and self-love course that is created and designed by Christina especially for people like us so I would love for you to check it out I think you will find a lot of wisdom in the book and I have nothing to gain from that other than hopefully having helped you find something that will make you stronger number seven what if you are like Dory and you are forgetful 42 40 42 well that's okay because I'm pretty sure that in order to cope with your forgetfulness you probably developed some systems that help you get by with your life and probably become extremely good at doing that so why not share all of those tools and systems that you have built for yourself let's say through designing some planners or some tools that anyone can download on a Marketplace like Etsy number eight maybe you're an overthinker maybe you like to Deep dive into analyzing things and looking over all possibilities that can happen maybe you're a bit too much like Ross Geller or like Ted Mosby well in that case maybe consider becoming a data analyst and if you don't know much about data analysis but you think it would be interesting then check out this video where I talk about how to become a data analyst and how to monetize that skill using a free Google course and a certification that you could get after that number nine how about using whichever flaw you perceive you have to serve everybody else who has the same flaw and potentially create a merchandise brand where you create t-shirts and hoodies and stationery and backpacks and all sorts of elements that could be wardrobe elements or lifestyle elements that can help everybody else with the same perceived challenge to feel better a little bit like Sheldon for example when he came up with his Bazinga t-shirt Bazinga I don't care and number

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