💰Best 3 Websites Online to Earn Real Money In 2024!

hey guys if you're looking for new ways of making money online in 2024 that's not going to waste your time paying your cents and never delivering stick with me because in this video I'm going to be sharing with you three new websites that are going to pay you at least $11,000 and above these are worldwide available websites that are going to let you work in the comfort of your home owning your own schedule and working at your own pace so if you're interested in finding not just a side Hustle but a reliable way of making money in 24 stick with me as I'll be taking you through these different websites and show you what you can expect if you are new here thank you so much for joining us welcome to the channel my name is Queen magani I share information on how to make money online and that's what you can learn in this channel do consider joining our family on the road to 200,000 subscribers by subscribing also give this video a thumbs up if you find it valuable but remember you have to watch it first to find out if it has any value in it for you without wasting any more time let's get on with today's video all right guys so the first platform that I'm going to share with you is a freelance platform where you can offer your skills whether you are into accounting marketing whatever you know how to do you can offer in this platform it is now mainly available in the US and the UK but they do allow people from different parts of the world to sign up and they do offer you opportunities should they have anything in your country that matches your profile so the platform that I'm talking about is called Data annotation teag and it is the platform that I'm looking at here on my screen you'll see they say you work from the comfort of your home this is a recognized platforms and it has been featured in platforms such as bus feed independent Yahoo news and Apu news as well you can expect to earn here anywhere from $20 per hour and they have paid Millions already to people who are taking part in the platform when signing up to this platform you also be required to do an assessment test this is just to test your skills to see the type of opportunities that they can offer or send your way but it is an easy to ous platform and it is highly reviewed by people who have been paid already from this platform now there are benefits to working in this platform such as you get flexible hours you work from anywhere you get free training as well you can choose your projects and even though you're going to be working with a lot of AI jobs you don't need to have any AI experience they also tell you how much you'll be paid for each project that you will complete the second one is called conversion crimes and no it has nothing to do with the court it has nothing to do with investigation of crimes or anything like that it is a platform that's going to pay you for testing different websites having checked this platform I saw that it is effective it is paying people worldwide for doing different kinds of test so they say the most efficient way to increase conversions on your store easily identify fiction points and all of that so a lot of the information that you'll find on the homepage or their website is for their clients people who are going to sign up here to look for people like you and I who want to earn using this platform to find the opportunities you will need to scroll down to the bottom of their website to where you can see for reviewers then select get paid to give feedback so you'll see here they say you get paid to speak your mind while learning how to improve your communication skill now to start the sign up process is easy you simply select apply to join over here you end on this page where they still tell you that you get paid to give feedback and help small businesses improve their value you'll fill in your first name your last name your email create and confirm a password and also select whether you want to test for consumers or business to business so you can select both if you want to but just to show you more important information here you have super low time commitment you do it when you feel like it 20 minutes or less per session and receive from $10 us all the way up to100 or $60 up to $400 per hour that you can earn from this platform and checking reviews I saw that this is a legit platform that's paying people those amounts of money for taking part in testing over here you simply record a screencast and speak your mind and that's what you're going to be paid for with conversion CR all right guys so we're on to the last one for this video but before I mention it to you let me take this opportunity and thank you for watching this video so far if you haven't subscribed to the channel and you're looking for ways of making money online know that you've come to the right place so do subscribe to the channel join us on the road to 200,000 subscribers I'd really appreciate that and if you're finding value something new something interesting in this video or in my Channel please like this video I would really appreciate that it does help me in the algorithm now now let's take a look at the last platform and this one is not really new but I'm seeing the growth of this platform it's also going to pay you for doing different task but mainly for speaking your mind about different softwares applications websites about products that companies are developing they can also pay you highly for surveys their surveys pay anywhere from $10 Us in this platform and it's none other than user interviews it is a paid research platform where they will pay you for discussing with companies what you think about their platforms and these are mainly platforms that you have already used if it's something new they're going to let you test it and let them know what you think so in case you've never come across this platform user interviews it is the one that I'm looking at here on my screen and as you can see some of their studies pay even up to $350 US for 3 hours you know it's about $100 per hour for participating in different studies they do have have other studies where they can pay you for 10 minutes $10 us as you can see like this one over here and this one they have other ones where you can earn $200 $120 us and of course this platform definitely does pay I've shown a payment proof in another video that I dedicated to this platform I'll also link it in my description box down below so you can get to learn more about user interviews and how much you can potentially earn with this platform so yes guys if you've been looking for new websites to earn real money in 2024 these three are definitely legit and they are platforms you can try out to earn $1,000 $100 $3,000 $200 whichever amount you get to make within the platform thank you so much for watching this video I will see you in the next one until then have a great time

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