The TOP 8 Small Business Ideas For WOMEN This Week

girl when I tell you I am not just telling you what to do this time I'm telling you how to do it and number six which is the one I told you to wait for because girl small business ideas for women are my favorite videos to make here on the channel because the truth is while we don't need to dump our 9 to-5 jobs entrepreneurship is a great way for women to generate income make an impact and even have enough to build wealth and that is one of the reasons why I'm so passionate about this topic but I have read your comments some of you have said some of the ideas are too hard to execute some of you have said after watching my videos you have to watch so many other videos and even take paid courses to execute the ideas and you would like for me to share the ideas but also share how to get started in a way that's practical and scalable and one thing I'm going to do on this platform is take your feedback go to the drawing board with my team and figure out a way to help you better so in today's video I'm going to be sharing eight top small business ideas for women and while all eight of them are great number six is the one you definitely don't want to miss because it's really hot right now because of a trend that's happening on social media and even in the world and I don't want to make this intro too long so if you've been searching for small business ideas for women side hustle ideas for women if you want to start a small business on the side on the weekends while you still work your 9 to5 job or while you take care of your kids or your family then this is the video for you now without further Ado let's get into it number one I was scrolling on Forbes YouTube channel the other day because I'm a finance and money nerd and I found a brand that kind of blew me away it is called afro unicorn and let me show you what it is it's basically a character that this woman created and licensed and after she created this design she started her business from her kitchen with her son literally pressing on the design just to start her business but now this business is a million dooll business that has the design on shirts on bags on socks and you might be thinking okay Vanessa that sounds nice but how do we make this practical if I wanted to start a niche apparel brand how can I do it from my house I don't have a Cricut maker I don't have a printing machine for clothes I don't have a way to ship things across the world because because I'm in a certain country that won't let me do that and girl when I tell you I am not just telling you what to do this time I'm telling you how to do it I found a website called printful and it is a print OnDemand company and what print on demand basically means is that all you have to do is set up your store on Wix or Shopify or Etsy now I mentioned Wix because some people tell me oh they don't have access to Etsy it doesn't have to be Etsy there are a couple of options but here's the gag that's just the front end that's just the way customers find you on the back end here's what a company like printful can do for you on this website which is 100% free by the way select the clothing item that you want to start selling with you could pick a shirt you could pick a sweatshirt create your designs and they would do the printing they would do the inventory management and they would do the delivering to your customers and why this brand stood out to me is that when they deliver the product to your customer it comes comes in your brand name so if your brand name is launch to we for example and what you decide to make is t-shirts for teenagers and you put your cute little design on it after doing all that they handle literally everything and then ship it to your customers worldwide so you don't even have to be in the country that your customers are in and why I'm comfortable to share this website with you is because it's been trusted by big Brands like cocacola like Duncan I mean look at all the brands that actually use printful to make their own merchandise and we have access to this stuff and a lot of women don't know that no no no not on my watch I've gone ahead to link the tool down in the description box and in the comment section number two number two is to start a subscription box service specifically for a niche that has a lot of demand but not a lot of Supply a niche that comes to mind is mixed RAC kids a lot of moms who are married to people of other races and have k kids with people of other races come on social media to talk about how hard it is to find products that work on their children's hair and when I say products I'm not just talking about mousse or conditioners I'm talking about even brushes and combs so if you're someone who has mixed children and you've been able to hack this or you just know a lot about hair maybe you're a hair stylist and you're a hair professional and you're good with textures girl there's an opportunity here that you can take advantage of and I know it's one thing to have a great product and market demand and it's another thing to package that product well and have to ship out a ton of inventory to your customers across the world or wherever they are and this is another way that printful can also be helpful number three let me tell you a secret about me I'm obsessed with health and fitness I don't know if you can tell but the kind of content that I consume on social media is either people cooking people eating or people working out for whatever reason I like it don't judge me okay but I came across a brand that just is chef's kiss and the founder story amazing like she was literally a bartender and now she's been able to build a multi-million dollar e-commerce store the brand is called unactive and if you wanted to start your own athleisure brand you do not have to go sourcing for a manufacturer or someone who will make the pieces for you someone who will brand the pieces for you we now have powerful e-commerce tools like printful so girl when I say you have no excuse you have no excuse number four but before I get into number four do you want to see more business ideas side hust souls or do you also want to learn how to invest that's another topic I'm passionate about and how I build wealth in my own personal life but I don't know if you're interested in investing but if you're interested in investing and you want us to talk more about that on this channel then let me know down in the comment section just type yes I'm interested in investing or type investing and we might whip something up for you after all the channel is called launch which is the business side to wealth which is investing really wealth building but let me know in the comment section if you're interested in that stuff and you know we read your comments and we do what you need but let's head on to number five number five is to start a customized home decor company now there are people out here who want to see their names on their pillows on their throw pillows

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