Make Money Online

Start An Affiliate Marketing Website In 10 Min With Chatgpt – Best Ai Side Hustle

in this video I will show you how to build an affiliate marketing website on WordPress using AI tools including chat GPT in just about 10 minutes not only that but I will also teach you how to promote products that could bring you hundreds in affiliate marketing sales every day see I can even refresh this page with my income on just one of the affiliate marketplaces that I use so you can see that it's 100 legit and realistic and in this video I'm also revealing an incredibly simple trick that can get you thousands of free visitors from Top tire locations like the United States and our step number one is to understand how does this side hustle actually work and here is the lowdown of the affiliate marketing process people typically think about a product that they might need and they look for the best options on Google and for some niches people could also use Pinterest a visual search engine they could end up on your website maybe they would read about the product visit the product page and maybe they would make a purchase and since they came from your affiliate link you will get a commission this isn't a get rich quick scheme but if you position your site to be an informative resource guiding them before the purchase you're setting up a very powerful business that can earn millions in the long run our step number two is to find profitable niches for affiliate marketing and I will ask Chad GPT to generate for me 10 ideas for affiliate marketing website that has low competition is easy to get monetized and will allow me to get traffic from Google or Pinterest I would like to find niches which would work well on both of the platforms because I know that Google SEO needs more time and you can start getting traffic from Pinterest a lot faster but that will only happen if you are in a dish that would be appealing for the main audience on Pinterest and in case you are new to this platform the biggest demographic on Pinterest are women from the United States so I really like some of the ideas that chai GPT suggested something like eco-friendly baby products ethical fashion brands outdoor gear for small dogs these are all very specific niches so I will have a better chance to compete for them on Google but they're also very appealing for a female audience on Pinterest for example let's try one topic to get a better idea of the articles that we could write for a Blog about eco-fashion Brands I will ask chpt to generate for me 10 blog post ideas that would be great for affiliate marketing and would be also easy to rank for here you go we have some great ideas like the best ethical fashion brands for plus size women or eco-friendly shoes top brands for conscious consumers and so many more ideas now moving forward our next action plan is to set up our website this is the platform where potential customers will land after discovering our products in search engines if you follow the link in the description below it will lead you to hostinger my go-to website builder with hostinger creating a website costs about three dollars a month you can also use an exclusive discount code Anastasia to make it even more budget friendly so click on the link in the description hit claim deal and then you can choose the plan let's check the most popular business plan which gives you access to additional features such as daily backups free CDN which can improve your site speed by 40 percent optimization for woocommerce which is great for those who want to start an e-commerce store in addition to an informational website you also get WordPress staging tool object cache for WordPress and on-demand backup and enhanced DDOS protection you can build a website using WordPress or hostinger's own no code website builder which is also included in the plan once you've added it to your cart select the duration of your plan your choices range from 1 month to 48 months I would advise going for 48 months to lock in this best price for as long as you can otherwise your payment for the next year will not have up to 78 discount applied after selecting your period add your email address and the payment information now if you live in Europe like I do you might have a different value of tax applied depending on your country but in the United States for example you will have the price without any tax and don't rush to check out just yet remember to apply the coupon code Anastasia for an extra discount now for about three dollars a month you can run up to 100 websites our step number four is to claim the free domain once you are inside your hostinger account you can claim your freedom main name which comes with a hosting plan and you know it used to take me a lot of time to just come up with a list of ideas for short and easy to memorize domain names but nowadays I will simply ask Chad GPT to give me 10 ideas for short domain names that I can use for an eco-friendly fashion blog and in a few seconds I get so many ideas obviously Chad gbt doesn't know which ones of them are available and which are not so I will now go ahead and start checking the ones that I like the most for availability so I'll go to the hostingers dashboard and click on claim free domain now I will take one of the options I liked from this chatgpt suggestions I really liked this one let's see what happens and it looks like I have picked the right one because it's available and we can claim it for free you just need to submit your personal information here for the domain registration but I already have my information on the profile so I will just skip this step one more thing you should remember here is once you see a similar window there is this email verification pending so you have to check your inbox the email should be the same that you used upon registration so find an email with verification link from hostinger even after clicking on this link the verification status might remain pending for about 15 minutes more and then it will update automatically so don't worry if it doesn't happen right away for you it will take some time to check your details because the main registration is a serious matter in the meantime we don't have to wait we can start setting up our website hosting so our step number five is to build a website with AI on hostinger if you click on the hosting Services you should see your plan waiting for you to set it up when you click it here you have two options one is to build a website on WordPress platform another is to use hostinger's AI website builder the second option is great for beginners but since I'm showing you today how to build a website for affiliate marketing specifically there are certain plugins that you could only use if you choose the WordPress option so it will be our best pick for this video here you just need to set up your WordPress admin account and you can select some plugins to install but we can skip it for now because I will talk about the essential plugins for an affiliate website a bit

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