Make Money Online

My Etsy Shop 1st Update Video

hey guys welcome or welcome back to my I tried it series where I try out side hustles here on YouTube to see whether or not they actually work and whether you guys can make a little bit of extra money from them now today is my very first update video and this update video is concerning my Etsy plus printful shop that I started about a month and a half ago I have several updates for you guys and in this video I'm also going to be answering some questions and addressing some comments that I got on that video concerning this specific side hustle so without further Ado you guys let's get into it okay first off I want to talk about the time that it now takes me to create a product and list the product so since I've been doing this for a little over a month and a half now instead of just a week and a half I have been able to speed up that creation process that in the beginning I did discuss in my first video took me a while to actually create and post a product onto my page one of the most major ways that I've been able to cut back on time whenever it comes to actually uploading my product into my Etsy Shop was going ahead and purchasing a mockup so that way I actually have my mockup home photo for each listing so that way I know what the page looks like is going to be very uniform now I have only purchased one at this point and the shop that I utilized is called Moon lit mockups and the cost for one mockup was $5 now they have a variety of mockups that you can choose from and I have been considering going ahead and purchasing more mockups and I do think that the mockups will make a difference over time I haven't seen any extreme difference in my shop since utilizing this mockup however I do think it gives the shop an overall different type of vibe than it did before and it also has helped with reduction of the time that it takes to create and list each product in the beginning and in my first video it did take me about 25 minutes to actually create the product and get it up listed into my shop now it takes me about 10 minutes overall to create and list a product which is a big reduction in time okay up next I want to talk about SE o research now the SEO research and the keyword research is not something that I specifically mentioned in my first video however it's not something I'm new to as it is something that you do with a YouTube channel yes I do participate in that and the keyword research it just comes natural to me at this point one way that I'm going about doing that keyword research is by utilizing e- rank's free version but another way that I'm doing this is simply by using the Etsy website and just typing in what it is that I creating and what I'm currently looking to post into my shop and then once I find a listing that is similar to something that I'm creating I look and see what keywords are popping for them what is popular in that shop and what keywords that that shop is using it's a free and easy way to look and see what's actually working for them I will go ahead and show you guys what I'm talking about really quick here on ety if you are on the home SE search page of etsy if you look up here I have typed in Christmas mugs that's all I do because right now that's what I'm focusing on on my shop I just typed in Christmas mugs as you guys can see a lot of mockups are coming up because I had been searching for that however if you keep scrolling down you're going to see some popular Christmas mugs here if I'm looking at this shop for example the first mug that I saw I can see here 102 sales if you look the most popular thing about this is the customization and the personalization of the mugs and the ornaments that they have listed so what that does is tell me that if I do the personalized and customization on mine it's actually going to probably do pretty well so I can kind of just see what's working and what's not working simply by looking at Etsy and searching in Etsy for things that I'm considering making let's quickly go over another question and comment that I got and that was about marketing on Etsy and whether or not I was participating in budgeting for advertisement the answer to this question is no okay now let's dive into the analytics of my shop over the past month and a half now I want to say first things first is that my shop is going to be quite different than any of you out there unless you have a YouTube channel or any other average person out there because I did post a video that has 21,000 views on it I've gotten tons of clicks on my shop it has caused My overall conversion rate to be extem extremely low I will get into that here in just a minute and like I stated in my first video this can be a major disadvantage to have a YouTube and be trying this for you guys but also share the shop name because it does cost a lot of people to go in Click look click away not make a purchase and then that does cause your overall conversion rate to reduce and it can signal to Etsy that your shop has poor product that it's not pleas pleasing to the audience and so this can be a very negative thing and I did know that before I ever shared my shop link but I also know that a lot of people want to see the shop so this can be a catch 22 really but regardless let's keep moving on here okay so what you guys are looking at here is the alltime statistics of my shop and this is from September up until November like I said about a month and a half going on a month and a half since I post Ed my video I have had 1,079 visits to my shop one order from a very lovely YouTube subscriber who has become my friend she also has a YouTube channel and I am going to place her YouTube channel in my description box down below for you guys to check that out so that order has not come from an outside Source like Etsy itself or Pinterest it has not come from that it's come from a YouTube subscriber and as you guys can see this is what I was discussing here overall conversion rate is 0.1% and that revenue is from that one mug that I sold so as you guys can see all of these spikes here that you're seeing this is from I'm guaranteeing my YouTube however if we go into different stats I can actually see where they are coming from how Shoppers found you Etsy brought 30% of visitors so Etsy app and other Etsy Pages 152 visits of that over 1,000 Etsy search 149 Etsy marketing and SEO I believe possibly that could be from my Pinterest page I'm not really sure what that's all about and then it says you brought 70% of visits so Direct in other traffic from my links 716 social media 38 I'm not sure what that is Pinterest yes I did post some of my listings on my Pinterest board 38 came from that so that's pretty cool to know so as you guys can see from Etsy I did get some direct searches and you know visits to my shop from Etsy but mostly are coming from my YouTube so that's how I'm seeing here what's really going on with my overall shop okay so like you guys have seen overall I really have not prod

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