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Make $917 / Day With Google News And Ai Posting Faceless Videos (Beginner Friendly)

I genuinely believe that anyone can monetize a YouTube channel in three months or less and in this video I'm going to prove it and when I say anyone I mean literally anyone well almost anyone this is my dog Lily by the way and in this video we are going to start a new YouTube channel for her and see what happens first things first let's create a new Google account and let's start the channel [Music] okay Lily I know you're super talented so what would you like your channel to be about oh of course dogs so I guess we're making a Channel about dogs sure let's do that so I'm gonna go to Mid journey and create the banner and the profile picture for our Channel [Music] thank you okay Lily now that your channel is ready let's get started with your first video what should it be about oh you don't know I thought you knew a lot about dogs okay no worries I've got you covered because even if you feel like you're running out of inspiration or you feel like you don't really know what you want your videos to be about then no worries because I know a source that you can leverage as well and that is completely for free not only that but it has so much value so much information so much good stuff that you can use in your videos and for free I think it's a pretty good deal not only that but they curate every single piece of information that gets shown on this source so that you are certain that whatever you use will be absolutely relevant and very interesting for your audience and that is Google News Google news is a selection of the most relevant and useful and interesting news across the globe on many many topics and even if you don't find dogs for example as one of the main categories we can very easily search for dogs and we will get all the most recent news that Google news has related to dogs also if you are interested in other topics like healthcare or Finance or Sports there is so much good stuff that you can leverage from Google News to use in your next video so when you come to Google news all you need to do is either pick one of the topics that you see at the top of the page or go in the search bar and search for any topic that you would like to find content for all right lady I think we found a great article to leverage now it's time to write the script how talented of a writer are you yeah I thought so so in this case we are going to head to chat GPT and ask it for some help to take the content from the article that we found on Google News and convert that into the script for either a long form or a short form video [Music] look Lily I already got you out of trouble once when it comes to writing the script now we need to get to the next step which is recording and editing the video I hope you're ready to do that yourself but okay all right you guys um Lily left which is not great because we now needed to start recording and then editing the video so with no one here to be the face of the channel I guess we are going to go for a faceless YouTube channel which is not an issue because there are so many faceless channels out there that are making millions of views in every video so I'm not concerned I think that's totally fine and obviously Lily wouldn't have been able to speak in those videos so we would have needed a voiceover anyway so with no face no voice and no editing skills what can we do well let me introduce you to an AI based tool that is going to solve all of that and it is going to do it in such a fun way here comes in video to the rescue so if you guys are not familiar with in video it is an AI based solution that is going to generate beautifully edited videos based on our info foot and we can do that either by prompting it and then it'll write the script and generate the video or we can use the script that we've already generated with chat GPT and then in video we'll create the fully edited video for us obviously we have a full freedom to personalize it so we don't have to stick to whatever the AI gives us we can choose what kind of background music we want to use and what the captions should say and what the visuals should be if we don't like what the AI will suggest now in order to have access to in video you have a couple of options you can go for the free plan or for one of the two paid plans just remember that if you go for the free plan that you will not have access to any of their premium resources and you won't be able to download your work which means if you want to use in video for your YouTube channel then you should go for one of the paid plans now between business and unlimited it's completely up to you which one you want to choose in our case because we do create a lot of content and we needed access to all of their libraries for which we were already paying quite a lot every month then it made sense to go for the unlimited version so what that means is that you can pay monthly or yearly whatever makes more sense for you but I would suggest at least try it out for a month and see if it's worthwhile for you and with any of the paid plans you will have access not only to over 8 million of royalty-free clips from lots of well-known sources like Shutterstock like eye stock but you also have access to over 6 000 templates that you can leverage for which we were paying in order to get on marketplaces like envato before their live chat support is also really really helpful in case you have any trouble by the way so let me show you how it works and let's get started working on our video so after you create an account within a video what you want to do is come to oh and as you go to your dashboard then you will have four options here at the top I'm gonna go for the AI text video for today because we already have the script created with chat GPT if you want to go for one of their templates then you can do that as well so I'm gonna go ahead and click on portrait because for today I'm going to create a short video and I'll explain in a moment why I'm doing that for purposes of monetization okay so let's click on this template and go ahead and click use template as I said you can ask AI to write your script if you want but I find that using chat GPT is giving me a little bit more flexibility and a little bit more artistic style with the writing so I'll go ahead and I'll paste here what chat GPT provided now what you want to remember is that in video is going to create a new scene every time you hit enter and you create a new line and if you want to make your video a lot more engaging then you want to do that it's going to make it a little bit harder and a bit longer in terms of time involvement when you edit it if you want to create any changes yourself but trust me it's worth it okay so now that my script is ready I am going to hit create scenes and I will let the magic begin so right now our video is 45 seconds long which is great for a short but it has no voice over so we're gonna have to go and create all the voice over and add that to the timel

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