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I Tried Making $28 Every 10 Minutes With Google Translate (My Results)

hey everyone Anastasia here so I found this idea floating around on YouTube that claims you can make about $30 every 10 minutes on Google translate which is supposed to make you up to $900 a day working only 4 hours per day they promise it's free to start all you need is a PayPal account to receive the money so it works worldwide one of the videos got over 4 million views in a year here's another video with almost 2 million views so I guess a lot of people liked this method let's try it out [Music] today okay let's Jump Right In and go to this platform is indeed totally free to use here you can easily translate between different languages just pick your language and type in what you want to translate then in another box it will show you the translation you can choose from lots of different languages too but before we start translating stuff we need to go to another website called CPA grip and make a free account go to the register tab fill in some basic info like your name and email and then click register once you're logged in go to the payment center this is where you will set up how you will get paid you can choose from different payment methods available here like pay P which should be available um in most countries they also have international bank transfer through payeer or a transfers for United States users they also mention here the minimum for withdrawal is $50 now let's head back to the dashboard on this page you will find a public chat where people are sharing how much money they have made so far using the method that we're talking about today someone here claims that they have earned $42 yesterday and another person has made $61 now this users alltime earnings are over $3,400 with about 3,400 Lads and there is someone else who whose alltime earnings are $39,000 with 24,000 leads so here is the deal we're going to get links to different offers that we will promote you can go to offer tools and then my offers to see the current offers here each offer offer has the payout value and we want to find the offers with higher value obviously but keep an eye on this filter here by default it will show you the offers in the country of your IP address the original Creator suggested that we should look at the top countries by the amount of money that we can earn and then what we're going to do is translate these offers into respective languages for each high paying country so he suggested Checking offers in France and Spain in in his video and we can do that but we will see that for France the highest payout right now is around $6 and to see the highest paying offers by the way you just click here on the payout field and it will filter them from the highest to lowest so for Spain it's higher right now about $19 now my two cents to add to this method is I think that we can find the really highest paying country by first setting it to all countries and then we will see the top offers are in Norway it's up to $29 then Belgium Netherlands and Switzerland now here is where Google translate comes into play We want to make sure that we know what we're offering so we will copy the offer title and translate it from Norwegian to English right now we're doing it simply to understand what exactly does it even say here well the text is quite generic secure your checkout enter your information now to get started once we have that we will go back to CPA grip copy our link and save it somewhere safe but before we post it anywhere we will shorten the link using a free link shortener like bitly again this tool is also free I already have my account set up so I just need to create a short link I will give it a short URL like bitly SL test offer Norway now how do we get people to click on our link link following the original method even if you don't have a big following no need to worry some sites like traffic ad bar can help Drive traffic to your link they promise to send up to 1,022 visitors to your link every 3 days it's free to sign up for the site took me about a minute in total to just submit my email and get an email verification once you're ready to start making money you will post your shortened link on traffic adbar so I just copied my link from bitly and then I had to add an ad title it was easy to copy that from the ad since I already know what that means I also copied the first ad line from the original ad but then I had no idea what to add as the line to so I opened the offer page to see what else they have there and for some reason it showed up for me in English maybe because I'm not in Norway so I copied a bit of text from that page and used Google Translate to get a Norwegian version of it for the advertising let's copy this to the adline to Well turns out this text was too long for the ad so I had to make it shorter and copy the short exclamation take this free test next you will select the language of your ad I will go with Norwegian here you will also be asked to select the country you want to Target with your ad obviously I need to find Norway because I don't think there are other countries where a lot of people speak Norwegian you can select the dates for the campaign or just skip it it's up to you but I actually selected some dates since I was doing it for the first time and I wasn't sure if the dates were even required now I will try to save the ad well apparently there are some rules around the text and some symbols are not allowed in these ads I had to remove an exclamation from the ad title and I had to remove the Caps from the word free before I was allowed to save the ad once I fixed these mistakes this window showed up that said that I had to continue for the next six pages and it should take me about 2 minutes to complete it well if they're going to promote my ad for free maybe it's not too much effort in exchange so I just had to click next several times at the bottom of each page wasn't too long but I will edit this part to show it faster then I closed a bunch of popup and returned to my dashboard now I guess I will sit back and wait for the money to roll in at least that was the promise of the original video creator I want to give this method a real try so I will check with you again what has happened in 2 or 3 days and we'll let you know if this method is worth your time and while we are waiting I wanted to think aloud with you guys about what we're doing here essentially we're promoting someone else's offers and this is called affiliate marketing what usually works best in affiliate marketing is building a landing page to describe the products that you promote so that users understand better why they're clicking on this offer it also works better because you don't just drop the direct affiliate link and by the way direct affiliate links often get blocked as spam on many platforms but you instead create a landing page and you provide the link to that page first and then from there the user will click on your affiliate link you might

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