Make Money Online

How To Make Money With Facebook Ads For Beginners (In 2024)

yo guys in this video we're going to talk about how to make money with facebook ads 100 to 700 a day more than after the intro [Music] all right guys check this out literally for today we literally have about 3 000 in commissions and the craziest thing right now as you can see from my homeless looking list because i've been like professionally homeless the past couple of months we are here in this hotel with the really cool spot spa a spiral staircase and uh right now with just one of our traffic sources with facebook ads as you can see it is doing pretty well you can see that right now in the us we made this at about like 2 a.m easternish time and like the screen is like super dirty but you could see exactly how this is working and that's the beauty about like for example facebook ads because of the fact that you know you could literally get your product or service in front of the people that actually want to buy your product or service does that make sense let me take a second before this focuses a little bit there you go so this is exactly why you know i'm asking this because several years ago my homie over there lily went and started like a co-working business right and he he opened up this like cool epic thing where like all these people that make money online and uh do digital nomad stuff like for example co-work because everyone that travels and makes money super super super lonely um and it's like a good sense of community i mean i went to a lot of co-working spaces in bali in thailand and poland all these places so he was gonna go ahead and for example you know do that right and he was gonna go and do instagram ads and facebook ads now one of the problems that most business owners have when they first get started with facebook ads and instagram ads and all these things like no matter what you need it for is they don't know two specific things and if you understand these two specific things then whatever it is whatever product or service that you're selling you want to get clients or maybe you want to just get a bunch of likes so that you know your dating profiles are better right you need to understand these two questions and if you do that you would be able to go ahead and make money effortlessly with facebook ads okay so literally hear this write this down because what i'm about to share with you can allow you to then start attracting customers and clients online even when you're drinking go kefir on the other side of the world that's a beauty about advertising that's a beauty about doing things like paid media so those two questions are number one how much are you willing to spend to acquire a customer what do i actually mean by that so so here with the ads that are running right now and you can see at 2 am 2 am we made about like 1400 right with this one product i know with this product i'm willing to spend anywhere from five hundred dollars to seven hundred dollars even upwards sometimes to twelve hundred dollars to acquire one single customer i know that and the reason why i know that is because i just know my numbers i look at you know how many people have bought in the past couple days and i look at how many times they buy over and over and over and over again so what that actually tells me is one thing it's known as an ltv stands for lifetime value here is a very interesting quick story yesterday i went to the shop with my boy yousef who's helping me with like the branding and helping me look like better and cooler and less homeless while i'm traveling um like super super sick you know uh like at just braining and all those things we went to this market where we got one like goat kefir thing right and you know it's just like a euro two euros or went out we got like two and we drank it and it was really really really good now if that was the only kefir that we ever bought to the person that owned that business we were only worth two euros because that's the amount of money that we gave to them does that make sense right but because they gave us such good service and because we really really enjoyed it we ended up buying as you can see from all the things that we have in this hotel a bunch a bunch literally so much kefir and now we're literally worth you know 100 euros so kefir net worth 100 euros to these people that we're going ahead and making these kefirs which is by the way really good for your stomach really good for you know longevity and whatnot so our lifetime value so far in the past two days is a hundred euros but you know today we literally tried buying 10 more 20 more because these are so good and we're just like drinking these uh and they didn't have any but if they did we would have spent you know another 30 euros 40 euros fifty years and before you know it in the next 30 days if we stay here and we don't go you know uh jet setting and going to other countries because that's kind of what we're doing right now then we would be worth 200 euros so once you understand that and you understand okay well how much does it cost to make this okay say 50 euros for all the things that we buy they would profit maybe 150 euros from us so once you know that in those 30 days you ask yourself how much you win you stay spend on advertising to then get that customer so if you get 150 euros you spend 100 bucks you know that you're gonna get 50 profit does that make sense so that's how you know how to outspend your customer because the person that is willing to spend the most to acquire their customer are the ones that end up winning in the advertising game in the facebook ads game and all of those things right now that is the first question what are you going to spend to acquire customer the second question you need to ask yourself is how long are you willing to wait are you willing to wait a week to make your money back two weeks three weeks five weeks six weeks eight weeks you need to have that time uh just consciously aware of it because not a lot of people have money not a lot of people have raised money from investors no one has an endless flow of cash flow and you need to understand your numbers because the person that has the most long-term thinking and thinks further into the future and creates a way that where they can allow themselves to spend more to acquire a customer then they will actually be more patient and more patient when you start thinking in the longer grand scheme of things like not just next week how you're gonna make money but three months from now six months from now 12 months from now right two years from now how can you increase the value for every single customer then you will be able to be more patient and it's those people that have no competition like right now the reason why i'm winning the reason why yusuf's winning the reason why everybody that travels with us is winning is because we think in three to five to ten year increments and this is in all aspects of our life and health and wealth and love do you think that i would

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