How To Be Okay With Things Going Meh In Your Life
do you have days where you just feel meh like things are just going okay or average for you well you're not alone because I also have days where I just feel meh or like my life is meh so when things are not going the way you want them to what do you do it's so easy to get caught up in thoughts like I'm not good enough or I'm just behind everybody in life but are these thoughts serving us how can we approach a life that feels meh in a new way that serves us well and doesn't just make us run away from all the problems so the first thing I would suggest is it sounds really simple um but it's actually super duper important and I myself tend to try to like avoid doing this but basically it's to acknowledge how you feel and to like feel your feelings and not to run away from your problems either I'm like the kind of person who like when I run into like a bad feeling or like a problem I just kind of try to avoid it or I'm trying to like reframe everything into like something more optimistic and if I have a problem I'm like oh well this problem's actually good because XYZ and something I learned when I had a life coach was there were multiple sessions where I had like some strong feelings and then my life coach just told me to like just sit there and then breathe into the feeling and like really feel it in my body and that just felt so foreign to me because I feel like I'm the kind of person as an Enneagram seven I just like want to distract myself and like run away from all the problems and I hate feeling negative so that is something I learned that I'm trying to do more of and it is getting easier and it's just to like take the time to sit with my feelings this feeling of meh or whatever negative feeling it is and to then acknowledge it and then like then do something about it and this is important because it's like you're more in tune with yourself you really do understand yourself and you're not just like running away from everything that makes you feel bad so the next thing I want to bring up is this concept of like chain changing your locus of control from external to internal if you don't know the concept of locus of control it's this concept in Psychology where it's basically your perception of the underlying causes of things happening in your life so it could be like external or internal just to give you an example if I'm thinking oh my gosh my business is like not growing a external locus of control would be like thinking like oh the economy just sucks or the YouTube algorithm just sucks and I'm just not lucky and so that's why I'm not getting the results like everything is outside of my control like YouTube algorithm and the economy but an internal locus of control is kind of thinking like okay maybe I just haven't figured it out yet maybe it's my strategy or I haven't found a way to reach my target audience in the best way but if I keep believing in myself and I keep showing up then like gonna happen like I will get the results that I want so when you change your locus of control from like external to internal it's like you taking control back of your life because then your thoughts and your actions and your feelings those are the things that will drive the results not anything external because when you let external circumstances or external things or just like situations that happen to you like control your life like you really feel out of control and like you can't get a handle on things and it just feels like life is happening to you and you are not in control the next concept that I think would be useful for you is like this concept of having a victim mentality which is not what we should be having there's a book called Hero on a mission by Donald Miller and I think it's like such a great book because it illustrates when we go through our life we kind of play a character so let me just read this from like the Amazon description of the book because I think it's really good so if we play the victim we're doomed to fail if we play the villain we will not create genuine bonds if we play the hero or guide Our Lives will flourish and the hard part is being self-aware enough to know which character we are playing the Amazon also has like this really good chart so you can see like basically for the victim it's like the one who feels like they have no way out and for a lot of us we like have this victim mentality because we think like things happen to us and Like Woe Is Us and like our life sucks because like these things just happen to us so that's a victim um the villain is the one who makes other people small the hero is the one willing to face their challenges and transform and then the guide is the one who helps the hero I know there are four characters but I think the two most important for us to focus on is the villain I'm sorry not the villain the victim not like having the victim mentality that things just happen to you and everything sucks but if you can like see yourself as the hero like the main character of your story I think there's like some YouTube videos about like becoming the main character of your story like you becoming the hero you can really like get go on this journey of like transforming your life and maybe you maybe there are a lot of challenges but like what does a hero do they like grow and they change and they make those challenges into something that can make them a better person or um like they are able to transform their life and they take control they like take action on the story that they want to create and okay I know there are like things that you can't really change about your life for example the family you were born into or like the country you grew up in or maybe like things that happened in your childhood like those things maybe you couldn't control but what you can control is your mindset and how you see things or like you can forgive people like you can't change the situations that you're in but you can change how you think about them and how you feel about them and don't let those things dictate how you're going to live the rest of your life because you are the one who can you create your own story of what you want those things to mean if you create your story in a way where those like negative things can actually like Propel you into like growing as a person then like those negative things aren't actually negative things those are just things that are that have happened in your life the next thing that has really helped me a lot when I feel just negative or meh about life is like really thinking about what is the main sentence that is like running my life right now and I think for a lot of us throughout our lives there's like an unconscious belief that we have or like a sentence that we keep repeating to ourselves for me it's the sentence like I'm not good enough or XYZ is not good enough just everything is not good enough and I just always look for evidence that supports this statement like I do it unconsciously and what h