How Priyanka Chopra Defines Feminism
i think growing up was conflicted about feminism i didn't understand what the word meant like a lot of us don't still it took me a little time to understand what it means now feminism is different to everyone to me what feminism stands for is give me the ability to make my own decisions without judging me just the same kind of freedom men have had for such a long time women should sound like this women should wear this women at this point should get married we're always told what we should do we need to be able to decide what we should do whatever that is so to me that freedom is feminism thank you [Applause] second i really i think that i think that growing up the one thing that i looking back now what i realized was for such a long time we've always been told as women that the best one will get the boy or the best one will get the job and we sort of have been conditioned to push each other out of the way so that we can be the better one and if we empower another woman right if i empower a woman who's sitting next to me i might lose the opportunity it's conditioning and we've been conditioned to be that way this is the first time in a very long time at least in my lifetime that i have seen women embracing each other women empowering each other women standing up for each other and that is such a critical time when women fought before us generations before us for us to have the ability to vote we don't even think about it today sitting in this room think about what all they went through so what we're doing today is where we're seeding the thought for your daughters for your for my daughter's daughters for kids who will not have to think about the gender disparity they'll not have to think about like how it feels to be a woman who's marginalized or or what it feels like to be um to be traumatized by men in power they won't have to think about it because we will create a world where men are afraid to do that we will create a world together where we stand by each other and say no i'm sorry you're not doing this to my daughter because you did it to me and that's enough and that is such a powerful time to be a woman