How Miley Cyrus Maintains Her Authenticity While Building Her Brand Beyond Music

and it's been a beautiful evolution not just to watch but as you know the founder of happy hippie to see how much process we've had in the last five years not just happy hippie but it kind of seems globally that the conversation of love acceptance justice equality that is the topic right now and it's just really beautiful to be alive and experience this new kind of revolutionary time that we're all living in feels like there's a nice shift happening where people may not completely change their mind but their mind is open and that's really the way that you can get in there with your own message [Music] i think that it's very unique to be an artist because some people in some positions their business is their artistry so if you're in these other maybe parts of this list what you do being a business person there's an artistry to that there is an artistry to being a businesswoman but my artistry is my business so for that anytime i create something it has to be with dignity pride belief conviction because it's really everything it's a it's a it's a kind of a tricky balance to always be passionate and love what you're making but it is also your business so you want to make other people happy with what you're making you want people to love it too and i found space in my career to do my passion projects i did a record a psychedelic rock record that was just free it was a gift for my fans it was my way of telling them thank you for their loyalty but that was something for me that wasn't a part of my business and so i found a way to dance with both sides of what i do and never watering down my creativity to turn it into a business but in a way i think my artistry is almost separate from my business

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