Make Money Online

For Everyone Thinking Of Quitting Their Job To Start A Business.

oh my God oh my God I thought it would take maybe one year or two years to really get to a place where I feel like I love what I'm doing and I'm making money to support myself I was basically living paycheck to paycheck the last four years I actually literally do not have enough money from my business to pay for things but I can truly say that all of this was so worth it I didn't think it would take this long but even after these four years technically five years because I started my calligraphy business five years ago but I quit my job four years ago so technically it's five years I'm not saying you can't be successful in six months or one year I'm just sharing that for me it took a really really long time longer than what I thought and I think for a lot of people this is very realistic like it takes several years for you to get to a place where you are really happy in your career of course there are still a lot of challenges I go through but these are challenges that I want to have like I like having these challenges because it means I've leveled up in this video I want to share with you five things that really helped me build this dream life that I've always wanted and I hope that wherever you are on your journey these can really help you out the first thing is if you start you are more ahead than 92 percent of people who will never start honestly if you can just get yourself to start you have done half of the work of starting a business once you start it is just so much easier it's way easier to go from one to two than from zero to one the zero to one hurdle is the hardest right now if you're feeling stuck I would say start by doing what feels easy for you and what makes sense and what doesn't feel like just such a struggle for me when I started my business five years ago I thought that was starting a calligraphy business and selling greeting cards uh design some stuff print some stuff I write some stuff and then buy some envelopes like it seems like not that hard to do compared to me starting a blog and monetizing the blog and making passive income like I thought that was really really hard to make money I had no idea how to monetize the blog but I thought okay I can sell you know a card that's like five dollars to people I can probably get my friends to buy it and I'm just gonna start from there I'm going to register my business and design some stuff see if I can print it see if I can sell it and then I'm just gonna go from there for you maybe that's starting an Etsy shop maybe it's YouTube maybe it's freelancing or tutoring right now you just need to start something is better than nothing it doesn't have to be perfect something is better than nothing oh yeah you can also start but just don't tell people I actually did that I started the calligraphy business I started in Instagram in secret and I didn't tell anybody for like a week there is no right time to quit your job some people say don't do it till you have made your income back from your side hustle some people say do it right away or else like you're just never gonna do it for me I was kind of in the middle I was making about one thousand dollars in revenue from my calligraphy business and that is when I quit my job at the time it felt so weird weird it felt so crazy but I basically wanted more time to work on my business I knew that if I had more time I could make more money it was just that I was always working in my job and that's why I couldn't make more than one thousand dollars a month usually when you're starting a business you're either giving up your time or your money for those of you who have financial responsibilities mortgage kids like for me I was very grateful that I quit my job when I didn't really have any responsibilities very grateful that I could live at home and I didn't really have any big expenses to pay so for me the thinking was let me try this for a year if it doesn't work out then I can always go back and get a job but if you are thinking about quitting your job make sure you've got your bases covered financially even if that means quitting your job getting a part-time job oh there's also like sabbaticals you can ask your organization if you can take like a six-month sabbatical or go part-time for the summer see how flexible things are or maybe if you're not working remotely so you can get a few days remote then you can save two hours on your commute then you can work around your business the next thing is I really had to learn how to manage my mind after I quit my job it wasn't managing my time that was really difficult or managing my energy it was actually managing my mind and all the stress and anxiety and all the worries about oh my gosh I'm not going to make money oh my gosh like I don't know if I can do this in six months and make money and prove to my family that I don't need to get a job there were a couple people in my life that suggested I start meditating and oh my God it has been so life-changing I started just doing mindfulness meditation five minutes a day then I could do 10 minutes a day and I also read this book because I was pretty like I don't know meditation's gonna work for me I read this book from Dan Harris called meditation for fidgety Skeptics which I'll link below but it basically dispelled all the things like all the thoughts that I had about meditation that I was like is this really gonna work like what's the scientific reasoning behind this doesn't actually works so that book really helped me understand what is the point of meditation and I can honestly say that after a couple years of meditating I am so much more aware of my thoughts and I can manage my mind so much better I can manage my mindset and I can stop myself and I can stop myself when I'm having a thought that I don't want and I can just let it pass and not let it Define me and ruin my day I also did a lot of mindset work around self-doubt imposter syndrome stress about money what people think of me and like feeling stuck and behind in life because all my friends are like buying their first or second properties and I'm here not making money and taking a gamble on my career and thinking this might work or it might not and there were a lot of times where I just really felt like a failure one of the things that really helped me is writing out a new definition of success because I felt like a failure all the time I felt stuck and behind and like not good enough so my new definition of success was success is learning and growing every single day if I do that then I'm successful success for me doesn't mean making ten thousand dollars every month or having 100 000 subscribers it's that if I grow and if I learn every single day then I am successful the next thing that really really helped me is investing in myself oh my God it was like super duper scary to do it at first I got my first business coach when I was transitioning from my calligraphy business to an online coaching business to help 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