Make Money Online

Easiest Side Hustle To Earn $1000 Online (2024)

this quite literally took 8 seconds to create because this brand new AI tool can be used in many different ways but in this step-by-step tutorial I want to show you five different ways that you can leverage this AI tool to make your first $1,000 online even if you never made any money online before so even if you're a complete beginner and it doesn't really matter where you're coming from so this AI tool is called K over at the and it's like a graphic design tool but a very Advanced one for complete beginners but it gives you these Advanced templates it allows you to create designs which usually honestly require a lot of talent a lot of experience and a lot of time to create but now you can do it in 8 seconds as I previously said like you basically just find a template you click on it and once you click on the template you can just customize it pretty easily so if you want to change this and want to enter some brand name like for example I want to enter Dave Nick now this is how it looks like this is a pretty mean design over here that I created in just a few seconds and I can download this with one press of a button or I can upload it to different t-shirts or I can print it or I can save it into a different document now first things first before we come back to kle and before I show you in details how to actually use let's talk about five different ways that you can make money with these templates and with these designs that you can create using this AI tool because again it has all of these different features that you can leverage like text effects mockups fonts illustrations all sorts of different things and even the K AI where basically you can just generate images with AI you can basically describe what you want and then it will generate something for you for complete scratch or you can and generate logos and you can create pretty decent designs with this pretty easily even if you have no graphic design skills or previous experience now the very first website that we can combine kle with is going to be you see this platform is a website where people come to compete to have their logos chosen by different companies so for example there's a brand or a company or a business that has some idea for a logo so what they would do is they would just set the price for example this one is $300 for a logo design and whoever whoever sub submits the best logo design wins $300 and you see these are very simple they even give you instructions as to like what colors they want or how they want their design to look like and you can just go back to K and you can just customize that you can create something similar pretty easily you just have to find different templates here on the left hand side you can go through and you can choose in this case I would have to select logo templates and just find something that would suit me well so if someone needs a design like this I'm just going to start off with a new project you can just click on that and you can customize colors you can customize fonts you can customize everything so you want to change this and type in online business Club this is how it look like but as you can see the text is way too big so it wouldn't really suit pretty well so I would have to make this the font a little bit smaller and once you create something you like you can just click on download and it will be downloaded to your computer you can remove the background and you can optimize quality for whatever needs you might have and you can submit it here and potentially even hundreds of dollars per logo design that you submit and this is just one of the ways that you can make money with 99 designs you can also submit labels like product labels which you can also create with kle because it has different templates you can create mockup and these clipart Vector logo images as well the website number two where you can also make money with kle is going to be and this is essentially another website where you can compete in different contests and potentially win hundreds of dollars per design that you submit if you go to the logo design section you can see there are currently 173 logo design jobs so you can just pick which one you want to participate in like this one pays up to $400 almost $400 for a logo design and there have been about 31 designs submitted so far and you can submit your design you just open it up you see what kind of logo design they want and once you see it's like four Ps and it should be like a dog style you would just go back to K and you would find that kind of template so I can search for like dog illustrations and then I can pick one of these nasty designs here let's say I'm going to go with this one as an example and I'm going to start off my project and then let's see what they want to put in the name so they want poshing for pause now I can just space that name here and here's how that looks like for me now I can download this and I can also enter their colors if they want different brand new colors and then I can just download this in this case I will just download it as a PNG file it's a high quality image and then I will go back and submit it over here you can also see what kind of design they want third way that you can make money using this AI tool is to go to Fiverr and sell these Design Services you can go to fivr which is a freelancing platform one amongst hundreds of freelancing platforms that you can use and if you search for product labels you can see that people are charging sometimes tens but sometimes hundreds of dollars for these services and it can literally take you seconds to create something like this essentially the way this works is you would list your design so you would just click on become a seller you would sign up for free you would list a gig you would see what other people are selling and try to sell it for a little bit cheaper and basically when you list it out there if someone places an order they will just submit a design that they want on a product and you would just go back to K and you would upload that and you would create logo design or you would create a product label download it and deliver it back to fivr and if you're thinking like yeah they there's no way that's going to make money well for example this person got over 400 0 sales at a price of $180 us this would be around so I would say this person made well well well beyond just their first $1,000 another website that you can use to make money combined with is going to be wirestock doio and wirestock is this website where you can submit AI images and get paid for it so essentially they have these different challenges where they would pay you about $100 or $300 depending on the contest to submit AI art and and these AI images can be generated inside of KD so if you cck a new project on KD it's going to take you over to the new project section you can select which one which size you want and then if you clic

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