Breaking: The Newest Digital Side Hustle For Women
as much as this is not the most glamorous one on the list it's one of the highest paying ones on the list she generates over two thousand dollars a day in extra income and you can start making real dollars regardless of where you live all you have to do hi and welcome or welcome back to the channel if you're new here hello I'm Vanessa and my mission with this channel is to help women like you get financially unstuck so if you're currently in a situation that might be a job your relationship fill in the blank whatever you're going through right now that you're staying in because you need the money that's one of the reasons why I made this video this channel exists to help you get on stock and sometimes I share side hustle ideas for women so today I've put together five diverse side hustles and some of them can actually be done regardless of where you are and you can start making real dollars regardless of where you live and while all 5 of them are awesome number three is the one you really do not want to miss because there's actually a job opening in number three and my prayer is that at least one woman from this community gets it so if this is the kind of content that you enjoy and want to see more of then please go ahead and hit the thumbs up button and let's get into it number one would you believe that there are people who would pay you real money real hard earned dollars to talk about your culture the food you eat the language you speak how people behave in your country in your city they're people who will pay you dollars to talk about this online Airbnb is one of the ways that the girls and the women are generating this passive income thing there's a feature on Airbnb that a lot of us do not know about it's called experiences and Airbnb would actually allow you and I to list virtual experiences and at this point the negative voices in your mind might be telling you well you have no experience to share this is not for you tell those voices to shut up because look at this woman what is she sharing she's sharing her culture her food and people who want to travel to Kenya but want to learn about Kenya quickly before they take a trip they would pay money just to see her talk about Kenya your culture might not mean much to you because you live it out every day but there's someone on Airbnb looking to travel to your country looking for a place to stay and for experiences to enjoy and they could stumble on your experience talking about the food in your culture the music in your culture the environment the places they can visit and you can get paid to do that number two number two doesn't require you to do anything but it requires you to have something if you make monthly payments on your car you know that your car is depreciating in value right that makes a car a liability but what if I told you that it is possible to turn your car into an asset without driving it so I'm not talking Uber I'm not talking Lyft you don't have to do any work you just have to sign up on a website and your car would go to work for you while you sit at home and do whatever it is you want to do with your time there's a website called that lets you do exactly this number three this is the one I told you to wait for if you've been watching this channel for a while you know I love the internet I love all things making money online on social media because it's new and if you have access to Internet and you can watch this video you should be taking full advantage of it we all should be taking full advantage of it but one of the ways that you can especially if you do not want to put yourself out there you don't want to build a following but you want to make money through social media a good way is to become a social media analyst yes that's a real job and that's a real job that you can do on the site social media analysts make around fifty thousand dollars which translates to about a thousand dollars a week in extra income in fact there's a woman a very wealthy woman a venture capitalist who's raised over 20 million dollars that's currently hiring for this role listen I am looking for someone that is ideally an individual doing this on the side doing Tick Tock shorts Instagram shorts if you are incredible with video content I want to work with you and if you just watched that and you thought oh my gosh that could absolutely be me I want to do it I just don't have the skills that I need I don't feel ready I only have a vague understanding of social media but I would love to work in this space I've got you this platform has been able to secure another 1 000 spots on skillshare who've been kind enough to sponsor this video if you don't know what skillshare is skillshare is an amazing platform with thousands of classes from teachers who know their stuff from social media marketing to video editing to even building a personal brand so you can position yourself for opportunities like this skillshare has got you there's so many social media classes out there but this is one that I highly recommend because I've taken it and it is really good especially if you're a complete beginner and the first 1000 people to use my link below would have the opportunity to explore skillshare for free for free for one whole month so don't walk run because people grab these spots really quickly number four is to set up Market stalls and you might be thinking what's a market stall when you go to a farmer's market the tables with vegetables fruits cheeses all the things those are Market stalls it could be jewelry it could be soaps it could be handmade things it could be food you want to find specific markets like farmers markets like trade shows like pop-ups where you can sell the things that you create this one is not an online side hustle this is something that you can do on the weekends if you have some time as much as this is not the most glamorous one on the list it's one of the highest paying ones on the list I have a friend who makes art she makes paintings of black women and the main way that she makes money is by going to trade shows and that every single trade show she generates over two thousand dollars a day and that's something she just does on the side along with her full-time job but it's also something that you can do full time just spend a lot of time looking for trade shows looking for markets that sell the things that you have to offer that way you don't have to spend so much on marketing you don't have to make so much content you're going to where the market is there's already a crowd who Wants What It Is you sell and if you're thinking I don't have any skills I can't make jewelry I can't make nothing that's one of the reasons why I shared skillshare you can learn how to to make things from paintings to jewelry to whatever it is that you're interested in and then look for Market pop-ups like farmers markets like trade shows and pay a fee to set up a market stall so you can sell your products now if y