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I Tried Earning $300/day With Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

hey guys welcome or welcome back to my I tried it series where I'm trying out side hustles found here on YouTube to see whether or not they actually work and you guys can make a little bit of extra money from them now in today's video I have a highly requested side hustle that I have gotten a lot of comments about I have watched a multitude of videos here on YouTube but the specific video that I decided to go with and follow was one that was released by glow with Gia now the specific reason that I chose her was because her method seemed the most realistic honest and trustworthy and the one that I would most likely like to follow and that's why I specifically chose her video to follow now before we get started I will go ahead and admit here at the beginning that this side hustle was the most timec consuming out of all of the side hustles I've tried this far it did take me quite a while as I did state in my community post however that is not to deter you from trying this yourself it is just to give you guys the most honest and realistic viewpoint moving forward in the video I am going to take you guys step by step exactly what I did what I followed from her video so without further Ado let's get into it okay guys step number one is creating a new business Pinterest account now what I did is I just went over to on the left of signing up here a little you're going to see where it says business I just selected that option and then this will ask you for basic information such as your email name gender then you're going to need to build your business profile on Pinterest this is going to be completely up to you what do you want to say about your business what kind of business profile are you trying to go for answer those questions about your specific idea of your business this step was not difficult you guys it took me a total of 10 minutes to completely sign up with a new business account now step number two from glow with geia was creating an Amazon Associates account and the Amazon Associates account only requires your email and I did do some research for you guys and learned that it is available currently in 20 different countries for you guys to sign up with the Amazon Associates account so when creating account with them it is very simple straightforward you guys to sign up and then what will happen is they will send you an email with 24 to 48 hours usually approving you for the Amazon Associates account they do have a very high rate of approving you as they do want a lot of people people recommending their product so that's not really something that you need to worry about so for me I've already had an Amazon Associates account so this is a quick preview of what Amazon Associates looks like it's very basic and straightforward it's going to show you what you're averaging as far as clickthrough rate you do not need to use anything extra like ClickBank or anything like that to keep track of your clicks Amazon Associates is the account that you're going to use and the Amazon associate statistics all of that is going to give you view it right in on their website so you're not going to have to do anything extra and Amazon Associates is going to be the affiliate that you're going to be using like I said there are a lot of videos out there that you could be following for me and what I'm going to be going over in this video is specifically Amazon Associates so let me go ahead and show you all when you've signed up and gotten approved all you have to do is utilize your laptop or desktop computer sign into the same account that you just created so sign in on Amazon not your Amazon Associates but sign into your account with the same email address that you just signed up and got approved with at the top here you guys you're going to see your site stripe at the top so let me briefly show you guys how this works so if you click on anything click into any product on Amazon once you're into the exact product that you're wanting to share up on the left of your site stripe you're going to just select text it will autogenerate your affiliate link that you can then copy and share anywhere and anytime somebody clicks on that and makes a purchase on Amazon from your affiliate link you get those commissions from it all right right into step number three doing keyword research on your Pinterest Niche or page idea so out of all of the probably 10 videos at least that I've watched on this topic nobody really gave a concrete way to do that keyword SEO research for Pinterest one was recommending Google Trends I don't really agree because after I actually went into Google Trends as you guys can see this is really irrelevant to Pinterest as a whole what I found after doing my own little research what I can tell you is one of the best ways that I discovered to see what is being highly searched is simply by going over to Pinterest and doing a search about what it is you're looking to make pins about so for example typing in on the search bar exactly what it is your PIN will be about just the first word word and then it's going to pop up on the search Trends this is going to give you those key words to add into your title and description of your pens okay this is the most easiest straightforward way to do your keyword research okay right into step number four is creating your canva account so you are going to need canva for this specific way that I followed with glow with Gia now I already have a canva account so I did not have to create one however whenever I did it only took me about 5 to 10 minutes and it is a 129 99 monthly fee to utilize canva okay so at this point in the video after following glow with Gia this is the point where you're actually ready to start creating your PIN adding your affiliate marketing links into those pins really building up your Pinterest account so that's exactly what I did at this point and I want to take a break in the video to just tell you guys exactly what happened on my journey and to give you guys a pointer that I learned actually got my first account that I had been working on band and this was extremely difficult for me because I had spent 6 hours uploading 25 pens it took me so long because this is a very tedious process especially in the beginning when you're just learning about the pins how to create them and all of that it took me 6 hours and I had 25 pins created and then I received this specific message telling me abruptly that Pinterest decided to ban my account and all of those pins were lost from my first board after all of that time you guys I had gotten banned from Pinterest and I was so confused as to why they were Banning me my pins looked nice I was utilizing all of the same methods that she had recommended and I was quite frustrated however after this point I was like I cannot give up because I want to show you guys my Pinterest board I want to show you guys how to do this so I went back and I watched more videos and aft

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