$8041 A Month Make Money With Google Alerts!
wait a minute eight thousand dollars automatic money with Google Alerts month to date reload this is crazy all right ladies and gentlemen today we're going to talk to you about a very simple way to make money with Google Alerts first we just go over to Google Alerts like this type in whatever we want to track then we take that URL paste it right in here and click generate we're going to click add to website and copy the code we're going to paste the code right here like this and it's going to add the secret money making feed to our website right like this okay if this seems a little techy don't worry because this is something you can do without a website without skills and without having a lot of money and it all hinges on three key letters r s s real simple syndication okay so the first thing we need to know is how RSS feeds work an RSS feed is kind of like a site map that updates automatically based on a website's content or anything on the web yeah it could be like a Google search a YouTube channel a news site you name it that RSS feed is going to get curated content from all over the web automatically about any topic you choose so in order to make this work all you really need to know how to do is search Google we can search for latest domain sales updates on a certain website like this news on a specific topic like this and you're going to want to make sure you pay attention to the tools tab because this is going to specify what kind of data you want I can choose data in the last 24 hours the last week I can make sure it isolates the keywords right like this I can search in quotes like this and all of this is going to help us make money if you're excited smash the like button and watch this entire video and you might be asking yourself okay that's fine and good Marcus but anyone can search Google how is that gonna put money in my pocket and that brings us to the first way to make money with Google Alerts content help and ideas many creators and bloggers and different people putting content on the web need help focusing on new topics and ideas to make content about so if I'm a blogger YouTuber or any content creator and I'm looking for new ideas or help with content I could simply go to Google Alerts like this type in my Niche Travel Reward words create an alert and now instantly in my email box I get all the news about travel Rewards travel rewards credit cards and anything travel related that I can blog about and make money with ads and affiliate offers and things like that if I'm blogging about crypto I could type something in like Shiba Inu and see all the updated news at a glance like that and while I do use this method to help me come up with content ideas this is nothing compared to Method number three that one you can get started with nothing no blog no content and make money practically overnight Google Alerts money making method number two act like a newscaster and stay on top of instant Trends we see a lot of YouTubers and news people doing this all the time where they're literally going out there and commenting on the latest news in any industry meet Kevin here does this all the time and he's making millions of dollars a year you can see from the titles of his videos he's basically just following what the news is saying no doubt he's got some Google Alerts and people on his staff to keep on top of the latest news you can pair this with my press release method which you can learn about in the description to get tons of traffic practically overnight and you can see here lots of other channels doing this like altcoin daily that's staying on top of crypto news crypto Bitcoin coin Bureau and on and on we go so you can use Google Alerts to stay on top of content or even act like a newscaster but this next method I'm going to talk to you about is crazy insane and no one's talking about it and that is to create create a helpful Niche update page or website this is something that Google MSN and Yahoo have been doing for years to put millions of dollars in their pocket and the way you're going to do this is very simple the key is in knowing how to search Google the right way here is my secret list you can get this list over at downloadmynotes.com what this list allows us to do is search Google in different ways that many people don't know exist for example if I want to search stock tips from a site like Motley Fool I can type site colonfool.com click the tool button choose past week and now I have a list of all the latest posts from a specific website all I need to do is copy this big URL up here put it into an RSS creator new feed paste in this example I'm using rss.app but you can use whatever you want there's free versions all over the place hit generate and this is now going to give me a list of the latest articles created on that website I can even search something in quotes to get an exact match use the minus sign to exclude use all in title if I want something in the title say I want in title make money YouTube and I'm going to see all the different posts about how people are making money with YouTube again I can copy this link right here like this paste it in the feed generator and boom now I have a list of all the latest videos or articles or whatever it is on how to make money with YouTube so I quite simply find a group of people who are interested in a topic maybe it's making money blogging travel politics or whatever it is and then I help them out with specific info I can go through and take the top 15 YouTube channels in any Niche maybe it's crypto maybe it's this maybe it's that or I could take the top blogs or news sites in any Niche and I can take and put this content on a helpful page so that my visitor can see at a glance exactly what's happening in the topic they're interested in then all I need to do is tell them check out my web page to get updates and boom I have something of value that I can go share around the web to get traffic to make money and the way I'm going to make money here is by having these RSS feeds on my website in addition to ads and different affiliate offers that are related to the niche so if I'm doing travel maybe I can do travel rewards credit cards if I'm doing mortgages and interest rates maybe I can do like refinance quotes credit checks and different things like that the key is in providing information that your visitors are going to want and now drumroll please Google Alerts money making method number four this one is a doozy what we're gonna do here is use our home page method that we talked about in number three with email alerts and news wait a minute morning Brew tops 4 million subscribers and it's a 75 million dollar company the daily email newsletter covering the latest news from Wall Street it's just a curated newsletter yep that's right this 75 million dollar company is nothing more than a curated newsletter and they're pairing this with the home page method by putting the news on the home page a newsletter