Make Money Online

$550 / Day Legit Passive Income Ideas Where Ai Does The Work

have you ever wondered if there is a way to earn money without putting in a lot of effort well what if I told you that there are legitimate ways that you can make passive income and with the help of AI now it's easier than ever in today's video I am going to show you six and a half of the most profitable passive income ideas that you can start today and also how AI can help you automate the process so get ready to see how you can make hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month by using these passive income ideas from the comfort of your own home so the first passive income idea that I would like to share with you today is creating an online course look the demand for online courses has skyrocketed over the last couple of years and it is projected to reach over one billion dollars per day by 2025 according to Forbes which means that you can create a course and share with others your skills or your knowledge and then you can start selling that for years to come all right I am pretty sure I can imagine what you're thinking now you're probably thinking I don't know what to talk about I have no knowledge or expertise that is worthwhile putting in a course I'm pretty sure you do and if you're interested I am going to link below a couple videos that I made in the past where I shared with you how to come up with ideas on what kind of online courses you could do and what kind of skills you can share with the world okay so that's definitely something you have now in terms of how you can actually make the course that is so much easier now than ever before and you can probably have the course ready in a weekend if you put your mind to it look what I suggest you do first is once you've picked the topic that you want the course to be focused about then go to either chatgpt Jasper and come up with the course outline okay get their help to come up with the Persona Who's Gonna Be Your Perfect student and then build the course around that Persona and they'll help you come up with the outline not only that but you can train chat GPT to help you write the course literally chapter by chapter and give you even slight details one by one how amazing is that and all you need to do is basically take whatever you get from chat GPT and put that into a PowerPoint presentation enhancing that with your knowledge your expertise and your unique angle to things once you have the presentation ready and you have the course content prepared then all you need to do is if you want to create some visuals you can go to canva or Adobe Cloud they have ai tools that can help you come out with really nice Graphics otherwise if you don't need Graphics then you can go to platforms like teachable or thinkific and they'll help you create the remaining part of the automation that is needed for selling an online course so essentially everything from the emails that are automated whenever somebody signs up for your course or the reminders that could be text messages or emails that you want to send your students in order to keep them engaged in your course or things like Analytics critics that tell you where your students get stuck so you can make sure that you help them move over that challenging part and then get them to reach the success of finishing the course and getting the transformation now once you have that ready all you need to do is put your course on platforms like udemy or skillshare and you would be able to sell the course for a couple hundred dollars or cheaper depending on the course subject and imagine that you would be able to make a few hundred or maybe a couple thousand dollars a month doing nothing because the course will be selling by itself these platforms have literally hundreds of thousands of students that come and search for courses every single day so you want to take advantage of the demand that already exists and use these platforms at least at the beginning to get your course started the second passive income idea I have for you that you can easily automate with the power of AI is creating print on demand and products this has become increasingly popular in the last couple of years and it's very easy to understand why with no upfront costs and no inventory to manage this is a perfect idea to create passive income streams for yourself and if you're wondering well I have no design experience how can I create products that look beautiful and people want to buy if I have no design skills well that's where AI can help you because with tools like mid-journey dally or even canva you can create incredibly beautiful designs that you can then sell printed on any kind of products like t-shirts or notebooks or backpacks or even sweatshirts or bags so let me explain how this works essentially what you need to do is go to let's say mid-journey or dolly or even canva and use their text to image AI feature and essentially what that does is you give a prompt to the AI tool and explain what you wanted to create let's say you want a design that represents 90s music player and you want it to look like this and you wanted this color and then the background needs to look like this and the light needs to come this way and then there needs to be a font that gives this kind of vibe and that says this it's quite easy and based on that mid-journey for example or even canva will be able to give you multiple options of designs that you could use you can continue the conversation and improve that design and keep prompting the AI tool with whatever kind of changes you wanted to make from there it's very easy you all you need to do is either download that design and use a tool like printful or printify and you can create your account and create t-shirts or any other products using this design or you can do that directly in canva they offer you that option directly on the platform last but not least all you want to do is create an account either on Shopify or on Etsy and this way you will be able to sell all the products that you've created without even touching them because they will be printed once somebody places an order and you are going to get paid a commission once that person that customer pays for their order there's multiple examples of so many people who have succeeded doing this in the past but Megan Roy for example she's using Etsy to sell her creations and she was able to make over fifty thousand dollars in her first year selling her designs printed on t-shirts and other print-on-demand products directly on Etsy so I think if she can do it you can do it as well now here's another half idea for you if you're creating those beautiful designs for your print on demand products why not sell the designs themselves as pictures or images on platforms like Shutterstock for example there are so many platforms where you can go and sell your visual designs your photos your pictures and get royalties every time somebody purchases them it's probably not something that will make you a millionaire in a weekend b

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