Make Money Online

32 Free Tools To Make Money Online

there you go there you go there you go all right ladies and gentlemen today what we're doing is we are talking about a hundred percent free website to help you make money and that's what we're gonna go over today I got 32 different websites and tools that you guys can use to start making money in a really simple way so pay close attention smash the like button we're going to go through this list and you can write them down and then I'll also show you where you can get this list and download it and use it so really cool stuff uh we're gonna Dive Right In and show you exactly how this works now a lot of these tools are 100 free actually all of them do have a free version some of them have like paid versions as well as free versions but all of them do have stuff that you can use for free now what I've done is I've went ahead and categorized these into different spaces uh four different uses right so if you want to make money online this list of tools is extremely important this is something that you're going to want to keep on your desktop preferably in a file we're going to show you where to get that file on this training as well because these tools are going to help you understand and look at the web in a different way now a lot of people out there they're trying to make money they don't have thousands of dollars to pay for tools someone before this said you know it's all about finding the right keywords which without the right tools that cost a fortune you really can't do much however I believe there are ways that you can start and make this work in a way that's going to get you results without breaking the bank now I gotta let you know I spend probably close to ten thousand dollars a month on the different tools that I use in my business and I gotta tell you there are workarounds that you can use to get results so start with what you got and build from there now without any further Ado let's go ahead and dive into this list this is a list of tools that you want to use daily to be able to enhance your ability to make money online now what I'm going to do I'm going to go through each tool I'm going to show you how it works I'm going to show you where to find it and I'm going to show you what I use that tool for this is extremely important because you might be like okay Marcus it's another list of tools big deal I could Google that all right well you can but you're not going to get the list that I actually use and you're not going to get the nuances of how I use them this is extremely important this is going to give you aha moments this is going to teach you how the whole thing works because if you know why to use a tool and how to use it properly then you know that's going to get your results like I could go out there and say hey guys you know what uh you know go buy a a hammer you know go buy a hammer don't show you how to use it or what I'm using it for then you're not going to be able to make money building desks or whatever it is we're doing so same kind of thing when you look online it's like okay I can show you a keyword tool but if I don't show you how I use that and why then it's not going to make sense you're not going to be able to get the results that you want you're not going to be able to make the money online that you want to make so let's go ahead and dive in number one here is a tool that's used a lot we use this a lot online to find out what traffic is out there for certain domains for certain sites for certain things on the internet now when we go through with this we have to go through and say okay well what are we going to do with this now a lot of people out there are going to go to like similar web or something like that and they will put a domain name in right let's say we go to like GoDaddy auctions or something like that right so let me see if I pull this on a different screen here uh GoDaddy auctions okay and let's say we want to buy domain names and we want to know exactly what's going on with these domain names all right so if I go to GoDaddy auctions uh let's see where's our GoDaddy auctions here GoDaddy auctions we want the main page here GoDaddy auctions there we go come on there we go okay so what we want is the main page here which is free you don't need an account uh to see this that's why I wanted to do this here so you can see exactly how it works and what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at a domain so let's say we want to organize these by traffic here and I'm like okay I want to see if these domains actually have uh traffic so if I go to like okay which is on sale for 17 all right it's probably going to go up though because it's at auction and I put this over here into our similar web what this is going to do is tell me hey is there really traffic there now I could see that according to similar web it does show me that it's got about 13 000 visitors a month most people like more than 98 percent come to the site and leave without doing anything but I can see okay yes it does have traffic how long did it have traffic and what does the traffic look like now for me as a web marketer this is extremely important and this is a free um a free thing to look at here okay so we want to look at that and be like okay what are we going to do with this info well we can go through we could take a look at the Domain see exactly what's going on now from this glance I could see that this domain came out of nowhere in October shot up in December so the chances of it actually staying are pretty low now without similar web I wouldn't be able to see that and you can do this with all kinds of stuff let's say we want to do um I don't know let's do stock Lots or something like that right we could go through we could see exactly uh what these domains look like right so I could go in I can put the site in there I just want to make sure it's clean so I'm doing it off screen so that one shows no websites found so it's showing that there's like literally nothing now similar web is something that you're definitely going to want to write down definitely want to use because in a lot of these instances it'll actually show you what the competition looks like what kind of traffic's going out there and what's going on so we can see here lots of good data about Amazon it's saying hey you know 2.5 billion visitors a month bounce rate's pretty low average person staying on the site seven minutes or more we can also see it's pretty much flatlined you know it doesn't go anywhere except for here a little bit of global rank but we're going to see exactly what's going on it's like okay here's what we have apparently people were looking up other stuff when it looks at at that there so we look at okay here's what the demographics look like here's where they're coming from right are there other sites they're visited where they're coming from different sites that are related so you can see that this tool it's a free Tool uh there are

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