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$100000 Vs Chatgpt – Free Seo Traffic

foreign can online content Checkers and search engines actually detect AI content because if they can't there is an opportunity for us to make tons of money oh yeah and I have proof here's a website here with over a hundred and one thousand rankings in Google another one with almost 800 rankings 700 rankings in the workout weight loss niche 417 rankings in the pet allergy Niche custom guitars more pets carbs and keto Urgent Dental Care More workouts actually this is just a small snapshot of some of the websites and high ticket niches that I've built for myself and some of my students and in the last couple years I've spent well over a hundred thousand dollars having writers make custom content for these websites so that I can rank in Google and make money but what if AI could generate the same quality content or better get me the same rankings get me the same amount of traffic and make me the same amount of money without having to spend a hundred thousand dollars for content So today we're going to put it to the test my hundred thousand dollars versus chat GPT so the first thing we need to realize is that when people search on Google you're going to notice that results come up several different types of results first of all we're going to have the paid results or sponsored results that show up on the top then below those results there's going to be what we call the free results or SEO content the SEO content here is where you can actually get traffic from Google for free let me show you over here in the computer exactly what I mean how this works and how we're going to use AI to make tons of money if we were to search Google over here for power waxer we're going to see that Amazon comes up number one and then another site about power waxers some images some kind of wholesaling programs and then a bunch of products but what you might not be seeing behind the scenes is the amount of people's searching for this term and the amount of money advertisers are paying to put their products at the top so if we go over here to the Google AdWords Keyword Planner we can see that power waxer is search for a hundred thousand to a million times each and every month we can also see that the advertisers are paying between 32 cents and 3.16 per click to get a more accurate reading we're going to use the ahrefs keyword tool we can see here that the volume for this keyword is 496 000 searches per month which means that on Google the word power waxer is worth an estimated 500 000 to 1.5 million dollars each and every month but what does this have to do with AI and the ability to make money and when are we going to talk about that hundred thousand bucks you mentioned earlier first I want you to understand the value of traffic if we were to take a look at this domain PD we can see that they rank for over 500 000 keywords in Google they get an estimated 73 000 visitors a month and that traffic is worth twenty nine thousand dollars a month to the advertisers let's take a look at what it ranks for best bowling shoes eyelashes two-person hammock looks like a bunch of random stuff now let's take a look at what the content looks like best kitchen cabinet cleaners wait a minute everything pantry PD hre goes to everything Pantry more about this in just a minute 10 best renew cabinet cleaners content looks okay to me but wait a minute what about this how we pick the product most of the items mentioned are not hand-picked this list was generated by AI we gotta check this out so this site has over 206 000 rankings in Google gets about 81 000 searches a month and the traffic value is almost 40 Grand a month and according to the terms on the website this is 100 written by AI yeah programs like chat GPT Jasper and other free AI driven robotic content creators so if we were to search Google for something like Association or organization right like this we are going to see that right here number one not only does this AI site show up but it's actually featured at the top of Google with the definition we could also see that if we go for a product like adaptive cruise control aftermarket which gets 500 searches a month that everything Pantry shows up at the top of this one as well so it looks like this site is basically trying to be the everything Pantry of literally everything they're just finding different keywords that have low competition using AI to generate some content throwing it up on Google and making tons of money wait a minute Marcus are you telling me that I could just go find non-competitive keywords load up some cheap AI program have it create content and get paid actually yes and no in fact Google came out with an official statement on AI and how that is going to affect your search engine rankings and ultimately the money you make but it's not what you think it says here that Google prioritizes high quality content regardless of whether you wrote it or a robot did however using AI automation strictly to game the search engines that they consider spam so now that we know how Google feels about Ai and that it's not exactly against the rules and they actually don't care whether content is written by AI as long as it's helpful let me show you how to use this to make tons of money now here is where it starts to get interesting if we see a site like or even the pantry site what's happening is these people are actually getting these domains at auction or on the expired domain Market what that means is that the domain that they have they don't actually own so the PD hre domain p d h r e actually used to belong to a foundation that had been around for a long time now this Foundation had lots and lots of backlinks from lots of other websites if we go into here to ahrefs we can go in and see that this site has backlinks from everywhere from humanitarian sites to Wikipedia and on and on we go what that means is that this domain holds power in Google so the domain in and of itself has power to get search engine rankings now what these people are doing is they're buying the domain or acquiring it somehow putting a bunch of AI junk content on it and because of the power of the domain it shoots up at the top of the Google rankings as we can see here it ranked for all kinds of different things but if you look even closer you're gonna see that it's actually losing a lot of rankings on February 17th just a month ago it lost over 45 000 search rankings in one day so it might seem like Google is actually cracking down on AI content which is why the owner of this website switched over to everything Pantry pointed all the links there put more AI content in hopes to get lots and lots of traffic and if you compare this to a domain name iBot about how to do glute workouts you can see here that I actually paid 240 dollars to have 12 pieces of content written specifically about the topics that I wanted to get traffic for I also went through and bought a domain a

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